Three-dimensional structures
Currently 51 structures in the Protein Data Bank and 1 structure in the Cambridge Structural Database
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Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID codes starting by 8xxx

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 in its off-state formed at 100K X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID30A-3 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=52.40 b=60.75 c=71.58 Resolution: 2.38 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 in its off state formed at room-temperature and backswitched at 100K X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID30B Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=46.44 b=61.76 c=70.44 Resolution: 1.79 Å
Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID codes starting by 7xxx

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsFolder2 Description: Crystal structure of rsFolder2 in its fluorescent on-state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline xxxx Space group: C2 Unit cell: a=142.3 b=134.5 c=51.6 Resolution: 1.63 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsFolder2 Description: Crystal structure of rsFolder2 in its non-fluorescent off-state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline xxxx Space group: C2 Unit cell: a=142.3 b=134.9 c=51.7 Resolution: 1.63 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 mutant V151A in the non-fluorescent off-state determined by synchrotron radiation at 100K X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.2 b=60.3 c=66.6 Resolution: 1.55 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 mutant V151A in the fluorescent on-state determined by synchrotron radiation at 100K X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=60.0 b=62.1 c=69.4 Resolution: 1.4 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 mutant V151L in the fluorescent on-state determined by synchrotron radiation at 100K X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.1 b=62.5 c=70.4 Resolution: 1.8 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 mutant V151L in the non-fluorescent off-state determined by synchrotron radiation at 100K X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.3 b=61.2 c=70.3 Resolution: 1.7 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 in the non-fluorescent off-state determined by serial femtosecond crystallography at room temperature X-ray source: XFEL Beamline SLAC LCLS CXI Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.7 b=63.1 c=73.5 Resolution: 1.7 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 mutant V151A in the fluorescent on-state determined by serial femtosecond crystallography at room temperature X-ray source: XFEL Beamline SLAC LCLS CXI Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.9 b=62.7 c=72.0 Resolution: 1.9 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 mutant V151L in the non-fluorescent off-state the determined by serial femtosecond crystallography at room temperature X-ray source: XFEL Beamline SACLA BL2 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.8 b=62.9 c=71.9 Resolution: 2.1 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 mutant V151A in the non-fluorescent off-state determined by serial femtosecond crystallography at room temperature X-ray source: XFEL Beamline SACLA BL2 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.8 b=62.7 c=71.6 Resolution: 1.95 Å
Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID codes starting by 6xxx

Name: LdcI Description: Inducible lysine decarboxylase LdcI decamer, pH 5.7 Electron microscopy map 200-kV Tecnai F20 electron microscope Resolution: 3.28 Å

Name: LdcI Description: Inducible lysine decarboxylase LdcI decamer, pH 7.0 Electron microscopy map 200-kV Tecnai F20 electron microscope Resolution: 2.70 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Difference-refined structure of rsEGFP2 10 ns following 400-nm laser irradiation of the off-state determined by SFX X-ray source: SACLA Beamline BL3-EH4c Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=52.0 b=62.9 c=72.1 Resolution: 1.85 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Crystal structure of rsEGFP2 in its off-state determined by SFX X-ray source: SACLA Beamline BL3-EH4c Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.7 b=62.9 c=71.7 Resolution: 1.60 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein mEos4b Description: mEos4b in the red long-lived dark state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID23-1 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=38.7 b=58.29 c=104.03 Resolution: 1.5 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein mEos4b Description: mEos4b in the red fluorescent state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID23-1 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=38.61 b=57.9 c=102.64 Resolution: 1.5 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein mEos4b Description: mEos4b in the green long-lived dark state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID23-1 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=38.7 b=58.29 c=104.03 Resolution: 1.5 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein mEos4b Description: mEos4b in the green fluorescent state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID23-1 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=38.6 b=58.09 c=103.27 Resolution: 1.65 Å
Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID codes starting by 5xxx

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: XFEL structure of rsEGFP2 in the on-state X-ray source: LCLS Beamline CXI Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.7 b=62.3 c=71.9 Resolution: 1.7 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: XFEL structure of rsEGFP2 1 ps after 400-nm irradiation of the off-state X-ray source: LCLS Beamline CXI Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.5 b=62.8 c=71.8 Resolution: 1.7 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: XFEL structure of rsEGFP2 in the excited state 1 ps following 400-nm illumination X-ray source: LCLS Beamline CXI Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.5 b=62.8 c=71.8 Resolution: 1.7 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: XFEL structure of rsEGFP2 in the off-state X-ray source: LCLS Beamline CXI Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.5 b=62.8 c=71.8 Resolution: 1.7 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: Synchrotron structure of IrisFP in grease at 100K X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=78.6 b=95.9 c=139.9 Resolution: 2.4 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: Synchrotron structure of IrisFP without grease at 100K X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=78.1 b=96.3 c=140.2 Resolution: 1.9 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: XFEL structure of IrisFP in grease at room temperature X-ray source: SACLA Beamline BL3 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=83.3 b=97.8 c=142.7 Resolution: 2.75 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsFolder Description: Non-fluorescent off-state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: C2 Unit cell: a=141.29 b=134.8 c=51.05 Resolution: 2.35 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsFolder Description: Fluorescent on-state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: C2 Unit cell: a=142.47 b=134.56 c=51.72 Resolution: 1.5 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Non-fluorescent off-state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID23-2 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=51.19 b=62.81 c=70.55 Resolution: 1.5 Å

Name: A. victoria fluorescent protein rsEGFP2 Description: Fluorescent on-state X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID23-2 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=50.99 b=62.91 c=70.84 Resolution: 1.45 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein mEos2-A69T Description: Lower blinking variant of mEos2 X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID23-2 Space group: P1 Unit cell: a=73.37 b=96.50 c=100.06 Resolution: 2.7 Å
Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID codes starting by 4xxx

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: Photoresistant variant M159A X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-4 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=86.70 b=96.35 c=139.43 Resolution: 2.0 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: IrisFP bleached in aerobic conditions X-ray source: SLS Beamline PXII3 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=85.99 b=96.53 c=140.19 Resolution: 2.5 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: IrisFP bleached by X-rays X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=86.64 b=96.81 c=140.69 Resolution: 1.86 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: IrisFP bleached in anaerobic conditions X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-2 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=86.09 b=96.41 c=140.03 Resolution: 1.9 Å
Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID codes starting by 3xxx

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: IrisFP, blinked chromophore X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-2 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=84.84 b=96.51 c=140.00 Resolution: 2.0 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: IrisFP, native chromophore X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-2 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=84.84 b=96.51 c=140.00 Resolution: 2.0 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein mEosFP Description: Monomeric EosFP, green fluorescent X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-3 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=86.45 b=96.82 c=140.43 Resolution: 2.25 Å
Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID codes starting by 2xxx

Name: Dendronephthya sp. fluorescent protein Dendra2 Description: Dendra2 green fluorescent X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-4 Space group: P1 Unit cell: a=71.26 b=76.85 c=92.50 Resolution: 2.00 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: IrisFP red, cis conformation X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID23-1 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=85.67 b=96.62 c=140.17 Resolution: 2.0 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: IrisFP green, trans X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-3 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=81.31 b=96.38 c=140.61 Resolution: 2.00 Å

Name: L. hemprichii fluorescent protein IrisFP Description: IrisFP green, cis conformation X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-3 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=86.34 b=96.55 c=139.83 Resolution: 1.80 Å

Name: D. baarsi Superoxide reductase (SOR, EC # Description: SOR E114A complexed with an iron-peroxide intermediate X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-4 Space group: I2 2 2 Unit cell: a=69.45 b=82.90 c=202.66 Resolution: 1.95 Å

Name: D. baarsi Superoxide reductase (SOR, EC # Description: SOR E114A X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID29 Space group: I2 2 2 Unit cell: a=70.47 b=82.87 c=201.95 Resolution: 1.70 Å

Name: D. baarsi Superoxide reductase (SOR, EC # Description: SOR wild-type X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-1 Space group: I2 2 2 Unit cell: a=70.39 b=82.99 c=204.35 Resolution: 1.70 Å
Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID codes starting by 1xxx

Name: M. tuberculosis Thimidylate kinase (TMPK, EC # Description: TMPK complexed with azidothymidine monophospate X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-4 Space group: P31 2 1 Unit cell: a=63.52 b=64.52 c=195.37 Resolution: 2.0 Å

Name: M. tuberculosis Thimidylate kinase (TMPK, EC # Description: TMPK complexed with deoxythimidine X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-4 Space group: P31 2 1 Unit cell: a=63.87 b=63.87 c=195.34 Resolution: 2.1 Å

Name: D. baarsi Superoxide reductase (SOR, EC # Description: SOR E47A complexed with chloride X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-2 Space group: I41 2 2 Unit cell: a=123.61 b=123.61 c=73.02 Resolution: 1.15 Å

Name:D. baarsi Superoxide reductase (SOR, EC # Description: SOR E47A complexed with ferrocyanide with active site expansion upon photoreduction X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-4 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=42.13 b=67.65 c=82.19 Resolution: 1.69 Å

Name: D. baarsi Superoxide reductase (SOR, EC # Description: SOR E47A complexed with ferrocyanide X-ray source: ESRF Beamline ID14-4 Space group: P21 21 21 Unit cell: a=42.13 b=67.65 c=82.19 Resolution: 1.69 Å
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCSD)

Name: (μ-peroxo)(μ-hydroxo)bis[bis(bipyridyl) cobalt(III)] nitrate (HPBC) Description: Caged-oxygen compound X-ray source: Mo-target tube (λ=0.71 Å) Space group: P-1(2) Unit cell: a=11.0774 b=13.4851 c=14.5529