New publication: review about Phototransformable Fluorescent Proteins
Histochem. Cell. Biol. (2014) "Phototransformable fluorescent proteins: which one for which application"
In these last two decades , fluorescent proteins (FPs) have become highly valued imaging tools for cell biology, owing to their compatibility with living samples, their low levels of invasiveness and the possibility to specifically fuse them to a variety of proteins of interest. Remarkably, the recent development of phototransformable fluorescent proteins (PTFPs) has made it possible to conceive optical imaging experiments that were unimaginable only a few years ago. For example, it is nowadays possible to monitor intra- or intercellular trafficking, to optically individualize single cells in tissues or to observe single molecules in live cells. The tagging specificity brought by these genetically encoded highlighters leads to constant progress in the engineering of increasingly powerful, versatile and non-cytotoxic FPs. This review is focused on the recent developments of PTFPs and highlights their contribution to studies within cells, tissues and even living organisms. The aspects of single-molecule localization microscopy, intracellular tracking of photoactivated molecules, applications of PTFPs in biotechnology/optobiology and complementarities between PTFPs and other microscopy techniques are particularly discussed.
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